Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire

Hey guys.

Over the past four (Jesus!) years, I’ve been working on a book that takes advantage of my irritating, nitpicky sense of humor, my obsession with science-fiction and my ability to writing English good. What has resulted is either the beginning of the greatest book series the world has ever seen or – more likely – the worst butchering of the English language since that backwards talking card scene in Twin Peaks.

So I’m incredibly proud to officially say that ‘Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire’ is a real book and it’s available at your “friendly” “neighborhood”

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It’s a science-fiction comedy novel about two friends on the outs, who are forced into the low-stakes world of private investigation in order to make up some extra cash to keep them from being evicted. Despite being hilariously out of their depth, they stumble into a conspiracy of missing people and the plans of a sexually audacious theoretical physicist and his experiments with the fabric of space-time. They’re not detectives, but the universe thinks they are, and it might just tear itself apart if they don’t answer the call.

I really enjoyed putting this book together. It was a lot of fun getting to finally summon the wherewithal to explore an idea I had nearly ten years ago and see it evolve to a (somewhat) finished state. Yes, the process was more difficult than I expected and a lot of the ideas I thought were complete genius turned out to be absolute garbage when the pen met the paper, but, ultimately, I was excited to write it and I’m even more excited to have people finally read it.

I would appreciate the opportunity to write further installments even more, so if you really do enjoy Duckett and Dyer: Dicks For Hire, please recommend it to your friends. Conversely, if you DON’T enjoy Duckett and Dyer: Dicks For Hire, please recommend it to your enemies.

Have I succeeded here? Let me know. I’m dying to find out.


2 thoughts on “Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire

  1. […] those of you who read and enjoyed my earlier work, Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire, or even if you didn’t,  I’m proud to announce the release of the sequel: The […]

  2. […] up next will be Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire by G.M. Nair for a tour next week. It’s been too long since I spent time in the Magic 2.0 world, so my […]

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