Category Archives: Uncategorized

The One-Hundred Percent Solution

For those of you who read and enjoyed my earlier work, Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire, or even if you didn’t,  I’m proud to announce the release of the sequel: The One-Hundred Percent Solution!

So continues my foray into the highly unlucrative world of self-publishing niche sci-fi/mystery/comedy novels.

It’s available at your “friendly neighborhood”, and can be ordered at bookstores everywhere.

DnD2 Cover Front Final

The Future Group is the city’s biggest and most lucrative company even though no one really knows what it is they do. Michael Duckett has worked there for four years and he still has no clue. All he knows is that he hates his meaningless job and all the people in it. But it pays the bills. Bills that have been stacking up since his roommate and best friend Stephanie Dyer decided to open a detective agency – despite her chronic inability to commit to anything.

When Michael is suddenly fired, he and Stephanie are forced to return to the world of private investigation against his better judgment. A mysterious woman wants to enlist the services of Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire to track down an assassin who has a bone to pick with Michael’s former employer. Apparently, The Future Group has been harboring a deadly secret for decades. One that could put the world in the grip of an indescribable horror.

It turns out Michael was lucky to get out of that job alive. Too bad he and Stephanie are being dragged back to work.

This book came together a lot faster than the first one (only one year!), and I had an absolute blast putting it together. So if you like weird sci-fi comedies about spies, monsters and going to jail, pick up The One-Hundred Percent Solution today!

I Think Newsletters Are For Creepy Weirdos.

So I put together a newsletter!

Hit the Newsletter button on the menu bar to subscribe! It will be filled with musings, author and event updates, and any news that’s fit to print on Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire and Other Projects!

It’s most probably just going to be filled with dumb jokes, though.

So sign up today! You have nothing to lose, except time and kilobytes of inbox space!

– G.M. Nair


Artemis by Andy Weir: A Review by G.M. Nair

Check out my guest review of Andy Weir’s Artemis (which I did not care for) on Before We Go!


It is hard to talk about Artemis in a vacuum, and that’s not just because there’s no air to carry sound.



Alright. Tough room. Let’s move on.

As you may know, Artemis is the spiritual follow-up to Andy Weir’s debut science fiction novel The Martian, so it is exceedingly difficult to mention Artemis without also bringing up that book. So I guess that’s what I’ll have to do.

The Martian was a fantastic piece of hard science fiction with an incredibly unique voice and unparalleled scientific detail – for a modern novel, anyway. The character of Mark Watney was a relatable everyman, despite being a freakin’ astronaut, and his humorously humble narration was key to us not only sympathizing with him, but also explaining the problems he encountered and solutions he had to come up with to survive. The book had me at the edge of my…

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Indie Spotlight – Ganesh Nair

After finally releasing my novel ‘Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire’, I’ve been featured on BeforeWeGo along with a few of my thoughts on the comedy/novel process! This is all very exciting for me.


I’ve had my leg in two different canoes for a while now. Writing comedy for the stage and screen – mostly in sketch form – and attempting to write a novel that I’d been working on for years:Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire. As anyone who writes sketch comedy will tell you, you need to get out jokes early, quickly and time them for the greatest impact. For the first few drafts ofDuckett & Dyer, this philosophy influenced my thinking to a great extent. It’s a funny novel (depending on your taste), so the jokes came hard, they came quick and they came fast, with little regard to anything else except for a tight, if sometimes twisty, plot.

These early drafts sucked. They sucked out of control.

It was early days, so I still had a lot to learn. A long way down the river, if…

View original post 577 more words

Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire

Hey guys.

Over the past four (Jesus!) years, I’ve been working on a book that takes advantage of my irritating, nitpicky sense of humor, my obsession with science-fiction and my ability to writing English good. What has resulted is either the beginning of the greatest book series the world has ever seen or – more likely – the worst butchering of the English language since that backwards talking card scene in Twin Peaks.

So I’m incredibly proud to officially say that ‘Duckett & Dyer: Dicks For Hire’ is a real book and it’s available at your “friendly” “neighborhood”

Ebook Coversm.jpg

It’s a science-fiction comedy novel about two friends on the outs, who are forced into the low-stakes world of private investigation in order to make up some extra cash to keep them from being evicted. Despite being hilariously out of their depth, they stumble into a conspiracy of missing people and the plans of a sexually audacious theoretical physicist and his experiments with the fabric of space-time. They’re not detectives, but the universe thinks they are, and it might just tear itself apart if they don’t answer the call.

I really enjoyed putting this book together. It was a lot of fun getting to finally summon the wherewithal to explore an idea I had nearly ten years ago and see it evolve to a (somewhat) finished state. Yes, the process was more difficult than I expected and a lot of the ideas I thought were complete genius turned out to be absolute garbage when the pen met the paper, but, ultimately, I was excited to write it and I’m even more excited to have people finally read it.

I would appreciate the opportunity to write further installments even more, so if you really do enjoy Duckett and Dyer: Dicks For Hire, please recommend it to your friends. Conversely, if you DON’T enjoy Duckett and Dyer: Dicks For Hire, please recommend it to your enemies.

Have I succeeded here? Let me know. I’m dying to find out.


Wrong Reel – Deadpool


Based on my slightly less than mediocre performance on the Star Wars episode, the good dudes at Wrong Reel invited me back to talk about Deadpool, the latest and weirdest entry in Fox’s X-Men Film Franchise. So grab a stack of chimichangas and give it a listen!


-G.M. Nair

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